Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Myth of Economic Growth: Human Development Report 2009

Since economic reforms of 1991, India has been on the path of continuous economic growth, which many economists call as 'incredible'. And especially in the last decade from 2000-2010, we have made the possibility of double digit growth a possible dream. We have even withstood the global financial downturn with finesse. Even amidst the another European crises many economist have expected Indian economy to grow at 8+ %, which is truly remarkable. It shows India, in the coming decade, is going to acquire the great share of world GDP which will lift its status to a future economic power-house. As world equation has been changing, every single country wants to gain maximum profit out of it, so everyone is looking for the place which offer definite and tangible benefit. India is considered as one such place with biggest market and greatest hidden potential, so great future possibility. This fact is growing India's stature and making it one of the most attractive country.

But let us take a pause and take actual account of the impact of this much talked about Economic Growth on Human development. Here comes the mother of all human development reports, the UNDP's own Human Development Report (HDR) 2009. HDR is a precisely calculative data based on life expectancy, literacy, per capita income and overall health and well being of a certain population over a period of time. It is considered as the best measure of development globally. Latest report 2009 give India the rank of 134, with a score of 0.612, which in no way allow us to boast of our economic growth. Though our score has improved in last 10 years but rank has remained stick to the worst performing countries. Because of the precision and authenticity, HDR is actually a good way to make comparision with our own past years record and with other countries as well. Norway, Australia, Ireland, Iceland etc remained at the top positions with the score of more than 0.965 (near perfect 1). Even many African and less known countries are far better than us like Libiya-0.847, Mauritius- 0.804, Gabon- 0.755, Algeria- 0.754 etc.

Our competitive neighbour China has given spectacular show in the improvement. Here is the a data that shows China's remarkable stride towards human development.

Rank (2009) Score 2009 2000 1975

India 134 0.612 0.577 0.407

China 92 0.772 0.726 0.523

Even from 2008 to 2009 China has jumped 7 rank in the Index and came on 92, while we remained on abysmal 134.

World map indicating the Human Development Index (based on 2007 data, published on October 5, 2009)

0.950 and over 0.900–0.949 0.850–0.899 0.800–0.849 0.750–0.799

0.700–0.749 0.650–0.699 0.600–0.649 0.550–0.599 0.500–0.549

0.450–0.499 0.400–0.449 0.350–0.399 under 0.350 Data unavailable

This is a list of all countries by Human Development Index as included in a United Nations Development

Unfortunately this perfect indicator has been least bothered and least talked about in our country. No media coverage, neither print nor electronic, except 'The Hindu' has given this report its due place. While such an important marker was made elusive, some comparatively insignificant markers like increase in no. of rich people, share market boom etc kept on deceiving us. Infect HDR should have come up in a way that it would become an eye opener to the common man and the policy makers as well. So that must have removed the camouflage of booming India and have shown the naked reality. HDR could have become de riguer in the last election. People would have asked the politicians with greater vehemence to give the account of all the national policies designed to lift the people of India. People could have made the better use of RTI to check the pro-poor policies and the money spent with respect the actual change produced. Infect had this report earned its due respect, we would not have allowed our policy makers go reckless on every other policy next time, neither on implementation temrs nor on accountability.

Though economic reforms helped gaining plethora of foriegn investment which has opened the gates of opportunities for many young Indians. Still true meaning of inclusive growth has yet to be realized. While let not be reluctant towards its significance, yet let not get our politicians befool us and illusioned us with rhetoric talks of growth. We have to scrutinize closely all the pro-poor policies and their impact on HD and take the accountability of the government. 9% of annual growth rate should roughly raise our score by 0.020, which is hardly 4%, means less than half of the economic growth. In this way we can touch the score of 0.800 in the end of this decade which is descent if not laudatory.

1 comment:

  1. why dont u go in media...U can do better there..
    I m nt joking
