Thursday, February 11, 2010

World towards Global Integration in 21st Century

Since the advent of great human civilizations, say approx 5,000 yrs, wars have been an important measure of strength of the particular civilization. Roughly, the survival of every society used to be the function of particular society's war capability or its capacity to defend any such attack. In past almost every country has attacked its neighbour country either to annex its land or to loot the wealth or just to display its strength. And advent of science gave the wars its most catastrophic face whose display we have seen in the form of I & II World Wars. After the colossal massacre in the these two wars, humanity started introspecting itself. And a need of some international body, which would handle the international disputes in most unbiased way, was increasingly being felt. Though ideally it was never possible to have such absolutely unbiased body, still it became the need of the hour as the world did not want the succession of horrowing scenes of two world wars.

So as an old adage says 'where there is a will, there is a way', an international body was constituted in 1945 whose initial members were the participants of II world war nations. It was named as United Nations and its prime objectives were to handle the internaional dispute by avoiding war and also to encourage the nations for decolonization.Thus it was the first serious attempt of mankind towards global peace and egalitarian society. But such objectives were obviously not possible to accomplish without world being started coming closer. And this cannot be possible just by having political peace talks. SO later other objectives were also added to the United Nations Objectives like spread of education, health, science and cultures in the form of UNESCO and WHO. To check the human right violation in any part of the world and to give aid during natural calamity were among the other important objectives. So it was unprecedent in the history of human civilization that world came so close to help creat overall peaceful planet.It was the scene of first half of 20th century.

But despite all these there remained innumerable conflicts between different nations and regions. Though no big war of significant magnitude between multiple nations did happen, but small scale wars remained prevalent in almost every region predominantly the poorer ones. But since world came close like never before, mutual economic trades and ties started playing a major role in governing the international equations. Economies of different nations started affecting the economies of other nations in more direct ways because of mutual dependence. Every nation wanted to take benefit out of it. So the concept of globalization was brought into. Although it also involved a lot of challenges, but it gave a bright hope of creation of single world with insignificant national and regional boundaries.

Science also played a major role in promoting globalization. With the first step on moon was defined as 'a giant leap for mankind' and it excited the people of every corner of the globe. Internet also played a major in global integration. It made the world so small to be surfed on a computer screen anywhere, anytime and by anyone irrespective of nationality, race or religion. Sports also helped in accomplishment of this goal. With Olympics was the major sports event with global participation, other smaller level sports activities played a significant role in mutual collaborations between differnt nations. Education also played a significant role as mutual collaborations have happened in large scale across the globe. Student exchange programs, international visiting faculty and UNESCO aid to education to poor countries are prevalent in every region of the world. All these things have helped a lot in brigding the gaps between different societies.

But most important reasons for Global integration are none other than popularly known the biggest challenges before the humanity, i.e. Global terrorism and Global warming. These two menacing threats are actually blessings in disguise. Global terrorism is already doing this job as every responsible country has joined hands to fight against it. 'Fight against terror' war in afganistan has a contribution of more than 40 nations from 6 continents. There is an internation financial ban on any organisation once listed in Terrorist Organisation in the list of UN. Blocking its major ways of international fundings. Whole the world has eyes on major breeders of terrorism. While at one side innovative techniques have been developed to capture terrorists, on the other hand economists, socialists and scientist are looking at the possible causes of evolution of terrorism as a result of social, psychological and economical grounds. Whole the world has accepted it as a major challenge in present and atleast till near future.

Global warming, which has yet to display its direct effects, is considered as the redoubtable challenge. According to some scientists it has already started manifesting itself, but for few others suspicion still remains. But all of them are unanimously considering it as a gigantic threat with global devastating consequences. To tackle it will be an extremely daunting task. No nation or groups of few nations can afford to take the responsibility of tackling it alone. This requires a global initiative beyond being parochial of regional or individual interests. But under some myopic political discussions the issue has been caught in the rut. But in wait of any resolution global warming is not going to stop. And I feel as soon as it start manifesting its itselt in more profound ways, it will force the world to come to a conclusive dialogue and immediate steps. Nothing concrete has been done in last one decade and further abeyance will not be affordable. World is going to realize is very soon. So we can be sanguine about the global initiatives in immediate future.

So for the very first time in human history the dream of global integration, which was earlier of utopian kind, that was first seen in ancient India as 'Vaisudhaiva kutumbakam' meaning 'whole the world is our family', is going to be realized. Humans are known to learn from their past's mistakes. Human civilization is no longer juvenile. Also to remain integrated is in interest of human growth as well as in tackling challenges. So history of great wars is soon going to be 'a history'. 21st century will be a blend of biggest scientific revolutions and of biggest unprecedented challenges, both will make the world closer and integrated.

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