Precious Comments
These are my comments on various current issues. If you like or dislike any arguement please put your comment and reason. It may be mutually helpful for both of us.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Bereft the communalists of their right to represent the common man
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A Silent Crisis- Incorrigible Error in Nature of Development
The twentieth century has seen consequences unprecedented in history. It’s witnessed two opposite extremes of human efficiency and human malfunctioning. Human efficiency is in terms of scientific revolution vis-a-vis ultra high speed of communication and production, spaceships and extra-terrestrial adventures, bio-medical breakthroughs, genetical and biological achievements and fantasies, Computers and Robotic realities, world turning into a global village and ‘God’ like ability of humans to affect and influence the planetary life. Human malfunctions are in terms of giant flaws we kept ignoring in the process of development like plummeting varieties of species near to extinction, deforestation, rampant pollution in air, water and land, ever increasing rapacious greed for natural resources in each new generation and above all de-association of human feelings from its very roots that lies in the lap of nature, not in any insane attempt of conquering the nature. Twentieth century witnessed the power of human intelligence, though erroneous. But I foresee twenty first century is going to witness power of nature in its most profound way.
According to a new survey 33% of species will be near extinction in 2030. According to IPCC’s latest report Antarctica Ice and Himalayan glacier will melt in next 30 years rendering lands and masses vulnerable to water shortage. Another report says that the global temperature would rise around 2-7 degree C by 2050 which is lethal for many species and formidable enough for humans. According to WHO world population would reach to its peak of 9 billion (a rise of 3 billion in a shortest period of 50 years from year 2000.) that is going to put heavy pressure on world’s agriculture production and will exacerbate the water crisis across the world. Another report gives serious concern to the depletion of forest reserves and around half of the rain-forests would vanish by 2050. A perfunctory glance to these reports may give us the impression that these are different areas of concern in near future. But a close look is sufficient to realize a common thing behind these eye-opening reports which is that Humans and Nature are interconnected. Nature needs our heed and we need nature’s good health. For next coming decades our priority must not be anything but Nature.
INTERNET: An Invention becomes a Blessing
The recent Arabian upheaval is a fresh example of what human rights awareness can do. It can resuscitate the dying cultures by injecting the energy of awareness. Arab countries are witnessing the throes of change after the decades of gloom under the dictatorship. It is the prime reminder of the modern era where human dignity and growth holds power and any attempt to suppress it would have to face dire consequences. Some pacifist may find it against the laws of non-violence, but action and reaction are always bound to be equal. If ruthlessness is at its peak, equally ruthless resurrection could obviously be expected. Science has once again paid its role in changing the course of uprise by providing swift communication between the people. Internet arose as the silent, but stentorian, tool in the hands of common men to express, purge their emotions and also to unite.
It is even said that internet provided the fuel to turn this movement into a colossal upheaval. It helped people to share their grief, which led to a common concern that turned out to be against the government. Government can easily restrain the other modern modes of communication like electronic media and press, but internet has proved like a panacea that is unfettered and can be accessed from home with least government intervention. People were simmering in resentment waiting for just a spark to outburst into. And that spark was provided by the self-immolation of a venderor, frustrated by the repeated torture by the police. The spark did the blast fueled by a common resentment, and mutual communication was provided by this new age benediction of science called Internet.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Populist Budget-Cheated People- Precarious Future
Union budget has been presented by FM. Expecting a prudent action towards social welfare has become like hoping against hope. The allocation of money towards health program is abysmal 0.5 % of entire budget. And education constitutes hardly 3 %. It is indisputable that the most important indicator of human development is the progress in ‘health and education’ of the people. But our conscientious policy makers do not give it its due privilege. They do admit the importance of Health and Education has the paramount indicator of human upliftment but they hardly take concrete steps towards mass health welfare and education program. Though the same government boasts of passing the bill of ‘Right to Education (RTE)’ and ‘National Rural health mission (NRHM), two most ambitious scheme under the aegis of UPA government, but no concrete measure has been taken to ensure their quality ,efficiency and their reach to the supposed beneficiaries. Both the schemes are indubitably meant for the poor people and underprivileged. But mere intentions are not going to solve the deep rooted problem of illiteracy, lack of quality education, malnutrition and access of food at nominal rates to the large section of society.
Let us compare our budget to that of the developed countries. In most of the developed countries including Germany, France, Japan, UK and US, Education and Health together constitute 9-12 % of the total budget. Its 9 % in Japan and 12 % in US. While in India it sticks around 3-4 % only. So how do we compare it. Is it clearly 3-4 times to that of India? No. It’s even worse because size of Indian economy is much smaller than those countries. E.g. US economy is 7 times the size of Indian economy and still their allocation of Health and Education is 4 times to that of India (even when their population is much smaller than India's). So their 12% as compared to india’s 4 % is not just 3 times, it’s rather more than 20 times. So the amount of money US government spends on each individual’s health and education is 20 times higher than it is being spent by Indian government. (Forget about the difference in the value of currency between their and ours, that will make the figure abjectly ignominious). If an average Indian spends Rs. 25,000 every year on health and education, a US citizen spends 5 lac. So quality, including better sanitation, better nutrition, hospitals, better education infrastructure, could obviously be maintained to the best in the world.
Our difference of size of economy will be matched with higher growth rates and that we have. But do we need such a growth rate where actual growth in Health and Education has been neglected. Definitely we don’t want to see a developed but malnourished, rich but poorly educated India. Such an economic growth could be called an aberration or erroneous. It is just unacceptable because in that case it won't be indicating human development. Then it could only serves the elites, with poor penetration to the poor majority. According to Paul Krugman, the eminent economist of US, “if you want to define the success story of US in last century, you can do it with just single word, Education.” In 21st century it could also be twined with Health. But our policy makers give it only secondary status. So only secondary results would come from it. We don’t have good quality of teachers, we lack infrastructure in school, so how can we expect our children to become scholars and doing research. We have abysmal record of child mortality and malnutrition. Then how can we boast that we are the Youngest Nation in the world when we know that young Indians are the most malnourished people.
I think its time to realize and rectify both the cause and the meaning of growth. A growing society must tantamount to the growing quality education and health of the mass. This is not possible without giving these two their due place in the budget. It must be somewhere near the respectable figure of 10% (of GDP). Only then we will have enough funds to build better school and health centers, we will be able to give handsome salary to our teachers, scholars and research associates, government can take the burden of providing education loan to its lowest possible interest, subsidized medicines and health check-ups could be made available to the poor, nutritional records could be regularly monitored and maintained in schools, even in government schools of remote areas with the help of technology, and other innumerable aspects that are not possible without funds. Because Healthy and Educated people are higher treasure than Gold mines and Petroleum wells. Giving 3% of total budget is like making mockery of the people of India to bereft them of their Primary rights, and that also year after year. It must be raised atleast to the decent level by doubling it in next budget. And I believe it could be easily arranged by compromising a bit in other departments, its because no other department is as important as people’s Health and Education. I hope situation would ameliorate in the successive budgets and human’s most significant development aspect would get its due place.Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Union Budget: A Repeatitive Juvenile mistake
I've never heard in any budget when last budget's failures, and flaws, have been told along with the reasons and what measures have been taken to avoid any previous repetition next year. If FM can't tell its people the percentage of success, also region-wise, along with the definition of success for a particular policy, how the public would come to know that a particular policy is worth continuing.
For example if government has implemented Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guarantee Act(MGNREGA) and mentions in each successive budget just the amount involved in the scheme, with no concern to the hitherto percentage of success, what better it can achieve in next year in continuation. Government increases the amount of money involved in this scheme. But it's reluctant to tell the people in which region it is being implemented successfully and in which region it is a fiasco. Because no scheme can have the same result in each region of the country. Thus the next obvious question would arise as what are the reason behind the success or failure also in the particular regions. Along with that which section of the society has been benefited the most, again along with the reasons. Then in the next step we seek the solutions towards overcoming those hurdles and accordingly we change the policy and guide the money. But this involve a culture of revaluation and reviewing, which would be there if those in policy making are anyhow concerned with the common man.
I dont think it's of any use announcing budget, a cliche, each year and just cutting the corners by dividing the money given towards different departments and policies. We need a budget that is based on the research done by the analysts with judicious amendments each year. Let it not be an act of sycophancy of Aam-aadmi. It must contain everything that could ascertain long term welfare of Aam-aadmi. Such bedget is of no-significance.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Commonwealth Games: Perfect Blend of Extravagance, Poor Accountability, Lack of Vision and Mismanaged Resources

South Africa, with all its prior doubts and critics, has written history by hosting a successful world class game. Long period of one month has raised doubts in the minds of all the people whether an African country, into the clutches of Poverty, history of racial wars and AIDS, would be able to host a mammoth game like Football World Cup. But the way they prepared has a great lessons for India which is going to host another major sports event Common Wealth(CW) Games. They started preparing for the event in late 2006 and Stadiums were made ready by 2009. After that only regular daily care was left to done. Hosting such a grand sport event offered advantage in three ways. Firstly it showed the ability of South Africa to host a world class event that puts it at world stature. Secondly it has recognized its hidden potential in a global game like Football. High skilled shown by South Africa team and fantastic display of Ghana till the quarter final was exemplary. This will definitely change the way football was seen in Africa by a common man prior to the World Cup. Thirdly it has proved economically beneficial. Total expenditure in the preparation of the game was approx $ 4 bn ( 20,000 cr), while the revenue generated was approx $ 5 bn (25,000 cr). A clear cut profit of $ 1 bn which is nonetheless huge.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Myth of Economic Growth: Human Development Report 2009
But let us take a pause and take actual account of the impact of this much talked about Economic Growth on Human development. Here comes the mother of all human development reports, the UNDP's own Human Development Report (HDR) 2009. HDR is a precisely calculative data based on life expectancy, literacy, per capita income and overall health and well being of a certain population over a period of time. It is considered as the best measure of development globally. Latest report 2009 give India the rank of 134, with a score of 0.612, which in no way allow us to boast of our economic growth. Though our score has improved in last 10 years but rank has remained stick to the worst performing countries. Because of the precision and authenticity, HDR is actually a good way to make comparision with our own past years record and with other countries as well. Norway, Australia, Ireland, Iceland etc remained at the top positions with the score of more than 0.965 (near perfect 1). Even many African and less known countries are far better than us like Libiya-0.847, Mauritius- 0.804, Gabon- 0.755, Algeria- 0.754 etc.
Our competitive neighbour China has given spectacular show in the improvement. Here is the a data that shows China's remarkable stride towards human development.
Rank (2009) Score 2009 2000 1975
India 134 0.612 0.577 0.407
China 92 0.772 0.726 0.523
World map indicating the Human Development Index (based on 2007 data, published on October 5, 2009)
0.950 and over 0.900–0.949 0.850–0.899 0.800–0.849 0.750–0.799 | 0.700–0.749 0.650–0.699 0.600–0.649 0.550–0.599 0.500–0.549 | 0.450–0.499 0.400–0.449 0.350–0.399 under 0.350 Data unavailable |
This is a list of all countries by Human Development Index as included in a United Nations Development