Thursday, June 24, 2010

INDIA: A Place Which Is Proud Of Its Backwardness

What Khaps are doing to the youth is not new to Indian society which has witnesses innumerable atrocities given to those who deviates from its believes. Giving a close look towards our culture would expose the fact that we are the most insensitive ones towards our own people when they decide to practice their fundamental right of freedom. This rigidness and insensitivity is not out of the greatness and richness of this ancient society, rather de facto a result of its inability to survive in the modern world. Every Indian has been obsessed with the habit of praising our past even to the extent that we have almost forgotten to live in present. As a result of this habit 'khap' like bodies, build by the people of medieval mindset, keep on crushing the dreams of the young blood. And most of the Indians do not see this practice as something contemptible. So any 'Honour Killing' in near future should not be seen as something surprising in twenty first century, atleast in India.

This indicates how easy and obvious it is to kill anybody and bereft the individual of the basic human rights provided by our constitution in India. So this gives an answer to some serious questions frequently asked and talked about by the common mass of this country like:
- Why life of a common man has been made so cheap in India?
-Why Bhopal Gas Tragedy victims had to wait for decades to get justice?
-Why we could not prevent the massacre of 26/11, Godhra, Babri demolition and Anti-sick riots even we had the prior information
-Why no serious attempt is being made by the any government since independence to prevent millions of people from hunger and malnutrition even if we have achieved the targets of food-grains since first green revolution 40 years back?
I think most of these questions will remain unsolvable mysteries unless we do not start realizing the value of individual freedom. Life and happiness of an individual has been sacrificed forcefully innumerable times in the name of pseudo-honour of the family or the society. So in India life of an individual has become almost irrelevent and insignificant. And this common thought among all the Indians has made it a common thought of the society. It has made the life so cheap and useless that it could be taken away anytime on any meagre issue either by the khaps or by any other body.

Actually khaps have got the support by many people over the half-scientific Gotra issue. Even many educated people give their silent support to Khaps unaware of the vital consequences that would encourage these bodies which run parallel to our constitution and do not value the individual freedom. Such support, even silently, would marginalize those people who dare to extricate themselves from the clutches of rotten minded medieval society. Under the sensitive issues of religions and believes we people become so much insensitive that we forget that true sense of religion lies in its individuality. Even Bhagwat Geeta, and our constitution too, states that religion is something individual( so nobody can compel anyone to pratice a certain religion or belief). So much atrocities have been done to our own people in the name of those believes which have failed to make us a vibrant and prosper society.

Indian mindset is obsessed with regression. We keep on imposing the rules and rituals being practiced in the past. We project our past as something highly praiseworthy deserving deep obeisance and encomiums. But we have forgotten the fact that we had been enslaved for about one thousand years (world history's longest slavery). This one single fact is enough to expose the hollowness and the futility of the idea of great Indian cultural values. This 'honour killing' is quintessence of how a senile and eccentric person behave in desperation esp. when world seems going out of its hands.

So let us give a pose when next time we go ahead with those rotten tradition. Budhha states,"life happens in this moment only, so if we miss the very moment we miss the life itself". So lets not waste our time in accepting or rejecting the old things. Let be wise now. We have lived in the old ways for thousands of years and got nothing but abysmal status of abject poverty and slavery. Let us take a new breath in new ways in the new world. We are far behind the others and yet to start our journey towards prosperity and living wise. Lets not waste more time now.